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Doug Lloyd

Doug Lloyd: Harvard Computer Science Educator and CS50 Team Member

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Harvard University


Doug Lloyd is a Senior Preceptor in Computer Science at Harvard University's Division of Continuing Education. He earned his A.B. in Computer Science from Harvard in 2009 and has since become an integral part of the CS50 team. Lloyd currently serves as CS50's Head of Online Education Initiatives, coordinating all thirteen CS50 courses on edX and acting as the Head Teaching Fellow for the program's courses at Harvard's Division of Continuing Education. His involvement with CS50 dates back to 2007 when he began as a teaching fellow. Lloyd has also taught his own courses, including web programming and software engineering, at various Harvard schools. Known for his distinctive style of wearing shorts and polo shirts, he has become a familiar face to many CS50 students both on-campus and online. Beyond his academic work, Lloyd is a licensed attorney, a private pilot, and has appeared on the game show Jeopardy