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RiseUpp was a game-changer for me. The platform’s intuitive comparison feature helped me choose the perfect online MBA program to accelerate my career. Highly recommend!
Priya Gowda
Priya GowdaProcess Analyst

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CheckSimplified course discovery and comparison from top providers.
CheckPersonalized career mentoring and unbiased course recommendations.
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CheckComprehensive post-enrollment support, including community access and placement assistance.

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RiseUpp stands out by offering top free online courses paired with placement support.
Top Free Online Courses with Placement Support

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Join RiseUpp to transform your career with our online courses. Our platform merges education with practical career opportunities, ensuring your learning has a direct impact on your professional growth. It's not just about acquiring knowledge, it's about making yourself indispensable in the job market.


What types of courses does RiseUpp offer?

RiseUpp offers a vast selection of online courses across multiple domains, including Data Science, Business and Management, Technology, Digital Marketing, and more. With over 4600+ online degree programs and specialized courses from prestigious institutions like IITs and IIMs, RiseUpp caters to the upskilling and reskilling needs of professionals and students alike, making it your one-stop platform for online courses.

Yes, RiseUpp offers a wide range of free online courses, with over 2000 options available. These courses cover a variety of subjects, including Data Science, AI, Digital Marketing, as well as essential skills like resume building and interview preparation. This diverse selection ensures that learners seeking to enhance their knowledge or acquire new skills without financial commitment can find valuable resources aligned with their interests and career goals.

RiseUpp’s placement support is a robust system designed to bridge the gap between education and employment. By forging strong connections with a vast network of employers, RiseUpp ensures that candidates who complete online courses through the platform have access to excellent job opportunities. Additionally, RiseUpp offers a variety of courses focused on job preparation, equipping learners with the skills needed to excel in the job market. To further aid candidates, RiseUpp conducts informative sessions providing valuable industry insights and salary trends, empowering them to make informed career decisions.

Yes, RiseUpp offers thousands of self-paced or on-demand courses, allowing you to learn at your own pace. This flexibility makes it easier to fit your studies around your existing commitments and learning style. However, for boot camp and online degree courses, there is a requirement for regular, disciplined effort due to their structured timelines and more intensive learning objectives. These formats provide a more traditional educational experience, often leading to certification or degrees, and typically involve set deadlines and schedules.

Yes, you will! For all paid courses on RiseUpp, you’ll definitely get a certificate when you finish. And for the free courses? Most of them come with a completion certificate too. Just a few might not, so it’s a good idea to check the course details before you start. That way, you’ll know exactly what to expect when you’re done learning.