Digital Humanities Engineer Bridging Technology and Literary Research
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Harvard UniversityCole Crawford, Senior Software Engineer in Harvard's Arts and Humanities Research Computing unit (DARTH), has established himself as a key figure in digital humanities infrastructure development. After earning degrees spanning both technology and literature - including an ALM in Software Engineering from Harvard Extension, MA in Literature and Culture from Oregon State University, and BS in Computing Science and English from Creighton University - he has built a career bridging technical expertise with humanities scholarship. As former staff co-chair of Harvard's Digital Scholarship Support Group and current steering committee member for DHTech, he develops digital infrastructures enabling scholars to model, analyze, and share their research. His work combines software engineering with literary expertise, particularly focusing on eighteenth and nineteenth-century British laboring-class writers. Through his roles on the Harvard IT Staff Council and active participation in the IIIF and ADHO communities, he continues to advance digital humanities while helping scholars leverage technology to reach broader audiences with their research.