Urban Development and Sustainability Expert
Aromar Revi has established himself as a pioneering figure in sustainable urban development as the founding Director of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), India's first prospective National University focused on urbanization. His academic foundation includes degrees from IIT-Delhi and the Law and Management schools of the University of Delhi. With over 35 years of interdisciplinary experience, he has emerged as a global thought leader in sustainable development, public policy, and climate science. His extensive work includes leading 125 major research and consulting assignments, publishing over 95 peer-reviewed publications, and helping structure development investments exceeding $8 billion across multiple countries. As Co-Chair of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), he successfully championed the inclusion of urban development in the UN's 2030 agenda through SDG 11. His expertise in climate science is evidenced by his role as Coordinating Lead Author of the 2018 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C. As one of South Asia's leading disaster mitigation experts, he has directed emergency teams for ten major natural disasters affecting over five million people. His influence extends across academia, policy, and practice, having lectured at over 90 universities worldwide and advised numerous governments and international organizations on sustainable