Distinguished Entrepreneurship Scholar and Educational Innovation Leader
Associated with :
University of AdelaideWendy Lindsay serves as Online Program Coordinator and Associate Head of Learning and Teaching at the University of Adelaide's Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre (ECIC), while holding the position of Associate Dean IT in the Faculty of Professions. Her research expertise centers on nascent necessity entrepreneurs in developing economies, with particular focus on gender differences in entrepreneurial behavior and intentions. Her academic contributions include significant work on indigenous entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and the relationship between personal values and start-up behavior. Beyond academia, she brings valuable practical experience as an entrepreneur in tourism and financial management sectors. Her research has explored various dimensions of entrepreneurship, including the relationship between entrepreneurial intent and health perceptions, gender moderating effects on entrepreneurial attitudes, and the role of entrepreneurial education in developing economies. As a judge for initiatives like the Australian eChallenge Wool Innovation, she continues to foster innovation while maintaining her commitment to understanding gender dynamics in entrepreneurship.