Higher Education Expert and LGBTQ+ Advocacy Specialist
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Dr. Susan Marine serves as Professor and Program Director in the Higher Education Master's Program at Merrimack College while contributing as a Guest Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh. Her academic credentials include a Ph.D. in Higher Education from Boston College, an M.A. in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University, and a B.A. in Philosophy from Transylvania University. Through her Coursera course "Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace," she helps professionals understand inclusive practices and LGBTQ+ advocacy. Her 25-year career focuses on advancing women and trans* students' rights, sexual violence prevention, and LGBTQ+ community advocacy. She authored "Stonewall's Legacy: Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Students in Higher Education" and has published extensively in leading journals. Her research examines feminist praxis in higher education, trans* student inclusion, and campus sexual violence prevention, while her teaching emphasizes transformative leadership for social justice in higher education.