Expert in AI Applications for Architecture and Built Environment
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Delft University of TechnologySeyran Khademi serves as an Assistant Professor at the Design, Data and Society Group within TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, where she co-directs the AiDAPT Lab focusing on AI applications in architecture and built environment. After completing her Bachelor's degree from the University of Tabriz and Master's from Chalmers University of Technology, she earned her PhD from TU Delft in 2015. Her expertise spans computer vision, visual similarity learning, dataset visualization, quantitative visual analysis, and interpretable AI. As an interdisciplinary researcher, she has successfully bridged the gap between computer science and architecture through her postdoctoral work at TU Delft's Computer Vision Lab and Faculty of Architecture. Her research focuses on developing AI methods to support informed design decisions, particularly in architectural applications. She leads initiatives in automatic recognition and understanding of visual data in architectural representations, contributing to the development of intelligent processes for architectural and structural decisions