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Rob Slaughter

Distinguished Defense Technology Leader and Digital Transformation Expert

Associated with :

The Linux Foundation


Rob Slaughter serves as CEO and Co-Founder of Defense Unicorns, where he leads efforts to modernize national security systems through open-source software and AI capabilities. After earning his PhD in Engineering Physics from the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology, following degrees in Nuclear Physics and Space Physics, he built an extraordinary career spanning military and civilian technology leadership. His impact on defense technology modernization began during his Air Force service, where he served as DevOps Lead for Space Vehicles and Computer Vision Scientist before becoming Director of the DoD's Platform One, the first Department-wide DevSecOps platform. In 2021, he co-founded Defense Unicorns, which recently secured $35 million in Series A funding to advance its mission of transforming how the Department of Defense builds and delivers software capabilities. Under his leadership, the company has grown to over 125 employees and secured a $300 million Department of Defense contract for accelerating software and GenAI solutions in classified environments. Through Defense Unicorns, he continues to champion digital transformation while maintaining that such revolutions must begin with people and culture before technology. His philosophy emphasizes data independence and practical solutions for complex technology challenges, particularly in air-gapped and classified environments.