Distinguished Scholar in Cinema Studies and Documentary Filmmaking
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University of PennsylvaniaPeter Decherney serves as the Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Endowed Term Professor in the Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania, where he holds positions as Professor of Cinema & Media Studies, Director of the Penn Global Documentary Institute, and Faculty Director of Penn's Online Learning Initiative. His scholarly work spans media industries, intellectual property law, and documentary filmmaking, with seven authored or edited books including the influential "Hollywood's Copyright Wars: From Edison to the Internet" and "Hollywood: A Very Short Introduction." As an award-winning filmmaker, his works explore global migration and artists' political roles, including "The Heart of Puerto Rico," which won Best VR Experience and Best Director at the 2020 AT&T Film Awards, and "Dreaming of Jerusalem," a Discovery+ original about Ethiopia's Jewish community. His documentary "Filmmaking for Democracy in Myanmar" examined the relationship between filmmaking and political freedom. His achievements include recognition as an Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Scholar, American Council of Learned Societies Fellow, and U.S. State Department Arts Envoy to Myanmar. Beyond academia, he contributes to major publications like The New York Times and Forbes, while his open online course on Hollywood history has reached over 80,000 learners. His upcoming work includes "Endless Exodus: The Jewish Experience in Ethiopia," his first book of photography.