Nicole Mastenbroek
Professional Development Expert and Veterinary Education Specialist
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Dr. Nicole Mastenbroek serves as faculty member at Utrecht University's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Her academic credentials include degrees in Veterinary Medicine (1985) and Work & Organizational Psychology (2009) from Utrecht University, followed by a Ph.D. focusing on mental well-being of young veterinary professionals. Through her Coursera course "Professionalism in an Era of Change," which has enrolled over 12,000 students, she helps professionals understand workplace transitions and well-being. Her research examines the relationship between personal and work characteristics, mental well-being, and professional performance, particularly during the transition from student to professional. Following a long career in veterinary practice, she now combines research with roles as coordinator, advisor, and teacher of professional development. Her expertise spans professional development, workplace well-being, and organizational psychology, making her uniquely qualified to address the challenges of modern professional life.