Multifaceted Research Manager Bridging Technology and Social Impact at IIT Bombay
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IIT BombayNagesh Karmali is a Senior Manager (Research) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay, where he has been associated since 2005. As the head of the Fundamental Research Group, Karmali's work spans a diverse range of fields, including parallel databases, big data analytics, adaptive recommendation systems, and peer evaluation systems. His research interests extend to theoretical areas such as category theory, control theory, system dynamics, and music theory, showcasing his multidisciplinary approach. Karmali has made significant contributions to academic mentorship, having guided over 70 B.Tech, Dual Degree, and M.Tech theses since 2008. His commitment to open knowledge sharing is evident through the research project wiki he maintains at Beyond his academic pursuits, Karmali demonstrates a passion for grassroots learning, often traveling across villages to gain insights from local communities. This unique combination of technical expertise and social engagement positions Karmali as a valuable asset in bridging cutting-edge technology with real-world applications and societal impact at IIT Bombay.