HubSpot Academy's Principal Marketing Evangelist and Sales Education Expert
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Kyle Jepson is a distinguished educational content creator and Principal Marketing Evangelist at HubSpot Academy, where he has been transforming business sales education since 2015. His career at HubSpot has evolved from Product Specialist to Senior Inbound Sales Professor, and now to Principal Marketing Evangelist as of February 2023. With a strong academic foundation including an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Boston University and a BA in English Language from Brigham Young University, he brings a unique perspective to sales education. His expertise is demonstrated through numerous HubSpot certifications, including Inbound Sales, Sales Software, and Sales Management. At HubSpot Academy, he has created influential certification courses on inbound sales, sales enablement, and sales management, with his educational videos reaching millions of viewers annually. His role involves evangelizing HubSpot's products and exploring new opportunities for HubSpot Academy while educating professionals on modern sales approaches. Beyond his professional achievements, Kyle is a family man with two children, a devoted husband, and nurtures creative aspirations of becoming a paperback novelist, specifically aiming to write the kind of books found in grocery store check-out lines