Distinguished Biomedical Engineer and Ultrasound Innovation Pioneer
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The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityProfessor Yongping Zheng serves as Henry G. Leong Professor and Chair Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Department of Biomedical Engineering, where he also directs the Research Institute for Smart Ageing and Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub. After completing his PhD at PolyU in 1997 and postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Windsor, he has established himself as a leading expert in biomedical ultrasound technology and smart aging solutions. His groundbreaking work includes the development of Scolioscan, a radiation-free ultrasound device for scoliosis assessment now used worldwide, and pioneering research in tissue elasticity measurement, 3D ultrasound imaging, and brain imaging technologies. As founding head of PolyU's Biomedical Engineering Department from 2012-2020, he has trained numerous PhD students and postdoctoral fellows who now serve as professors across China. His research impact is evidenced by over 220 journal publications, 45 patents, and two books on soft tissue elasticity measurement and sonomyography. Through leadership roles in organizations like the World Association of Chinese Biomedical Engineers and the International Society of Gerontechnology's Guangdong Hong Kong Macau Chapter, he continues to advance the field while focusing on developing ultrasound applications for brain imaging, dementia diagnosis, and stroke assessment.