Master fashion and luxury brand strategies. Learn business models, product development, and retail management from industry experts.
Master fashion and luxury brand strategies. Learn business models, product development, and retail management from industry experts.
Dive into the world of fashion and luxury management with this comprehensive course from Università Bocconi. Gain insights into how fashion and luxury companies operate, understanding their brands, products, retail strategies, and communication approaches. Learn about business models, international development, and product categories from industry experts. The course uses a case-study approach to explore strategic brand management in luxury and fashion companies, balancing tradition with innovation. Ideal for those interested in fashion business, brand management, or luxury marketing.
(5,780 ratings)
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What you'll learn
Understand the concepts of fashion and luxury in a business context
Analyze different business models in the fashion and luxury industries
Explore the product development process and the importance of stylistic identity
Learn about brand identity and communication strategies in fashion and luxury
Understand retail management and the integration of e-commerce
Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of digital marketing in luxury
Skills you'll gain
This course includes:
12 Hours PreRecorded video
3 assignments
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Top companies provide this course to enhance their employees' skills, ensuring they excel in handling complex projects and drive organizational success.
There are 6 modules in this course
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the management of fashion and luxury companies. Students will learn about the complex competitive systems and business logics specific to these industries. The curriculum covers the evolution of business models, from designer brands to fast fashion retailers, and explores the product development process, including the role of heritage and stylistic codes. Participants will gain insights into brand identity, communication strategies, and retail management in the digital age. The course emphasizes the balance between tradition and innovation in brand management, preparing learners for careers in fashion and luxury business.
What is Fashion? What is Luxury? Defining Complex Competitive Systems and Business Logics
Module 1 · 2 Hours to complete
The Evolution of Business Models: From Designers to Fast Fashion Retailers
Module 2 · 2 Hours to complete
Stylistic Identity and the Product Development Process: The Role of Heritage, Stylistic Codes and Icon Products in Defining the Seasonal Collection
Module 3 · 1 Hours to complete
Image Identity and the Communication Process: Key Activities, Decision Makers, the Challenge of Creating Digital Contents for Fashion and Luxury Brands
Module 4 · 2 Hours to complete
Retail Identity and Retail Management: the Customer's Experience Within a Mix of Channels. The Future of Fashion E-tailing.
Module 5 · 1 Hours to complete
Module 6 · 50 Minutes to complete
Fee Structure
Payment options
Financial Aid
Expert in Management of Fashion and Luxury Industries
Erica Corbellini is a Professor of Management in Fashion and Luxury Companies at Università Bocconi and has been the Director of the Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) since 2014. With experience as a visiting professor at various international business schools, her expertise encompasses industry analysis, business model evolution, communications, and digital strategy. Corbellini has authored several influential books on the fashion and luxury sectors, including her latest work, Managing Fashion and Luxury Companies (co-authored with Saviolo), published in English by Etas in 2009.
Leading Expert in Fashion and Luxury Management at Bocconi University
Stefania Saviolo is a Professor of Management in Fashion, Luxury, and Creative Companies at Università Bocconi and the SDA Bocconi School of Management. As the Director of the Luxury and Fashion Knowledge Center at SDA Bocconi, she plays a pivotal role in advancing education and research in these fields. She is also a founding faculty member of the International Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED). With experience as a visiting professor at various international business schools, Saviolo's expertise spans branding and retailing. She has authored numerous books and articles on these subjects, gaining recognition both in Italy and internationally.
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4.7 course rating
5,780 ratings
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