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Companies and climate change

Learn how companies can act against global warming. Explore strategies, methodologies, and real-world examples from committed businesses.

Learn how companies can act against global warming. Explore strategies, methodologies, and real-world examples from committed businesses.

This course explores how companies can address climate change in their strategies and operations. Learn from industry examples, expert insights, and scientific bases to understand organizational issues related to climate change and energy transition.


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Companies and climate change

This course includes

12 Hours

Of Self-paced video lessons

Beginner Level

Completion Certificate

awarded on course completion


What you'll learn

  • Understand the fundamentals of climate change and its impact on businesses

  • Learn how to determine and calculate a company's carbon footprint

  • Explore strategies for implementing climate action plans in organizations

  • Understand the financial aspects of energy transition and new financial products

  • Analyze physical risks and scenario planning for climate change

  • Examine case studies of companies committed to climate action

Skills you'll gain

Climate Change Strategy
Corporate Sustainability
Energy Transition
Carbon Footprint Analysis
Sustainable Business Models

This course includes:

6 Hours PreRecorded video


Access on Mobile, Tablet, Desktop

FullTime access

Shareable certificate

Closed caption

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Top companies offer this course to their employees

Top companies provide this course to enhance their employees' skills, ensuring they excel in handling complex projects and drive organizational success.


There are 4 modules in this course

This course examines how companies can take action in the fight against global warming. It provides insights from four committed companies of various sizes and sectors, sharing their progress in aligning with the Paris Accord objectives. The course covers fundamental concepts, scientific bases, and methodological elements to help companies transition towards a 2-degree pathway. Led by Professor Thierry Sibieude and colleagues from ESSEC, along with experts from Carbone 4, the course offers a comprehensive view of organizational issues and managerial concepts related to climate change. It aims to enhance understanding of how companies can incorporate climate change considerations into their strategies and operations.

Taking ownership of the issues

Module 1 · 3 Hours to complete

Managing the energy transition

Module 2 · 3 Hours to complete

Financing the energy transition

Module 3 · 3 Hours to complete

Changing your business model

Module 4 · 2 Hours to complete

Fee Structure

Payment options

Financial Aid


Thierry Sibieude
Thierry Sibieude

4.5 rating

30 Reviews

86,810 Students

19 Courses


A distinguished academic and social entrepreneur, this professional serves as a professor of social entrepreneurship and sustainable development at ESSEC, where they founded and direct the Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIES). Their commitment to social causes extends beyond academia as the founding president of La Clé pour l'autisme and as vice-president of the Val-d'Oise general council, where they oversee initiatives for people with disabilities and equal opportunities.

Companies and climate change

This course includes

12 Hours

Of Self-paced video lessons

Beginner Level

Completion Certificate

awarded on course completion



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4.6 course rating

95 ratings

Frequently asked questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about this course. We aim to provide clear and concise answers to help you better understand the course content, structure, and any other relevant information. If you have any additional questions or if your question is not listed here, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for further assistance.