Master job search skills. Learn resume writing, interviewing, and career planning for your next role.
Master job search skills. Learn resume writing, interviewing, and career planning for your next role.
This comprehensive course guides job seekers through every step of landing their next role. It covers creating career goals, crafting resumes and cover letters, navigating job searches, acing interviews, and evaluating job offers. Learners will develop practical skills in self-assessment, professional communication, and interview preparation. The course offers insider tips from hiring experts and prepares participants to confidently pursue new career opportunities. Ideal for anyone asking "What's next?" in their career journey, it provides a structured approach to job searching and career development.
(19 ratings)
3,205 already enrolled
Tiếng Việt
What you'll learn
Conduct a successful job search, including preparing for interviews
Articulate career goals, achievements, strengths, and skills
Write a professional resume and tailored cover letter
Navigate different types of job sites and application systems
Leverage your network for job opportunities
Tell compelling stories about your accomplishments
Skills you'll gain
This course includes:
2 Hours PreRecorded video
26 assignments
Access on Mobile, Tablet, Desktop
FullTime access
Shareable certificate
Closed caption
Top companies offer this course to their employees
Top companies provide this course to enhance their employees' skills, ensuring they excel in handling complex projects and drive organizational success.
There are 5 modules in this course
This course provides a comprehensive guide to conducting a successful job search and landing your next role. It covers all aspects of the job search process, from self-assessment and goal-setting to crafting compelling resumes and cover letters, navigating job applications, acing interviews, and evaluating job offers. Learners will develop practical skills in professional communication, networking, and interview preparation. The course offers insider tips from hiring experts and prepares participants to confidently pursue new career opportunities. It's designed for anyone looking to advance their career or transition to a new role, providing a structured approach to job searching and career development.
Job Search Overview
Module 1 · 2 Hours to complete
Preparing for Your Job Search
Module 2 · 6 Hours to complete
Finding and Applying
Module 3 · 4 Hours to complete
Module 4 · 3 Hours to complete
Next Steps
Module 5 · 3 Hours to complete
Fee Structure
Payment options
Financial Aid
CEO & Co-Founder Aptly, Adj. Professor, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Anke is the CEO and Co-Founder of Aptly, an online education production company. Anke founded and led the School of Business at Udacity, where she developed their business focused programs and grew the school to over 17K paying students. Anke is also an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at UCLA Anderson School of Management. Previously Anke led the Market Research Team at Yahoo! and founded Jump-Time (now OpenX).
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4.7 course rating
19 ratings
Frequently asked questions
Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about this course. We aim to provide clear and concise answers to help you better understand the course content, structure, and any other relevant information. If you have any additional questions or if your question is not listed here, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for further assistance.