Maximize Your Job Prospects: Boost Your Resume and ATS Score Today!

In today's extremely competitive job market, landing an interview can be the most challenging part of a successful job search. Believe it or not, 90% of applications are being rejected during the screening process due to the sole reason that their resumes weren't able to pass the first round of sorting. The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) happens to be the main reason for most of these rejections. An application program that scans an applicant's resume and keeps a record of key words, and format specification which is then used to scan a resume automatically in a system.

Understanding an ATS

Before we discuss how to increase your resume's effectiveness, we need to first understand the definition and working of an ATS. Recruiters use ATS software to manage a huge traffic of applications by:

  • Scanning a Resume for Relevant Keywords
  • Automatically Rating Candidates on how well their resume fits the job description.
  • Automatically Rejecting Resumes that do not meet the configured criteria.

Now, your resume needs not only to satisfy human recruiters but also to convince the ATS to shortlist it for the maximum reach. Here, you will get in-depth strategies to enhance your resume and improve the ATS score.

Formatting Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

Standard Formatting

ATS software can run into issues with elaborate formatting. Stick to the standard way of formatting your resume. This includes:

  • Simple Font: Use standard fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri.
  • Consistent Headings: Use clear, consistent headings (e.g., 'Experience,' 'Education,' 'Skills').
  • Bullet Points: Use bullet points to list skills and accomplishments.

Avoid Graphics

Do not use graphics, images, and charts as ATS may not read them correctly.

Save in a Compatible File Type

Most ATS software prefers resumes saved in .docx or .pdf. Ensure you save and upload your resume in these file types to avoid compatibility issues.

Use Clear Section Headings

Organize your resume with clear section headings. Most common include:

  • Summary
  • Contact Information
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Certifications

Clear headings enable ATS software to scan seamlessly across your resume and pick up on the sections.

Keyword Optimization

Identify Relevant Keywords

Keywords are the heart of ATS optimization. To identify the right keywords:

  • Analyze Job Descriptions: Look at several job descriptions for the roles you are interested in. Identify frequently used terms and phrases.
  • Use Industry Jargon: Be sure to use industry jargon targeted at your experience and expertise.
  • Soft Skills: Do not overlook including soft skills such as 'leadership,' 'communication,' and 'teamwork.'

Add Keywords Naturally

Once you've found the keywords, naturally incorporate them throughout your resume. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can make your resume unreadable for humans and lead to rejection.

Use Action Verbs

Start your bullet points with powerful action verbs to draw attention to your accomplishments and duties. For example:

  • Managed
  • Developed
  • Led
  • Implemented
  • Achieved

Action verbs aren't just easier to read — they typically match the keywords that ATS software is scanning for.

Adapting Your Resume

Make Your Resume Fit the Job

Generic resumes will not do as well at getting through an ATS screen. Tailor your resume to specific job applications by:

  • Aligning with Job Descriptions: Use the job description as a reference to tailor language and focus in your resume.
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Emphasize experience and skills that most closely relate to the job for which you are applying.
  • Update the Summary: Update your summary on the resume to reflect the specific job you are targeting.

Emphasize Accomplishments

Quantify to impress on the accomplishments from your resume. For example:

  • Improved sales by 20%
  • Lowered costs by 15%
  • Supervised a team of 10

Objective achievements will attract the attention of recruitment officers and provide proof of your capabilities.

Making it Readable and Keeping it Uniform


Your resume must be formatted uniformly:

  • Consistent Font and Size: Maintain the same size and font.
  • Uniform Bullets: Use the same bullet style across sections.
  • Margins: Ensure symmetrical margins all around the resume.

Avoid Errors

Grammatical and typographical errors can lead to resume rejection. Proofread your resume several times and use tools like Grammarly.

Professional Language

The tone of your resume must be professional. Avoid jargon or informal language. Keep it clear and concise.

Extra Sections

Adding Certifications and Courses

Include any certifications and courses that give you an edge in the application, such as:

  • Professional certifications (e.g., PMP, CPA)
  • Online courses (e.g., Coursera, Udemy)
  • Workshops and seminars

Volunteer Experience

Volunteer work experiences are valuable, especially if they add value or match the job for which you are applying. Volunteer experience shows additional skills and a commitment to community involvement.

Languages and Technical Skills

List the languages you speak and technical skills you possess. These are critical differentiators in many job applications.
Testing and Refining Your Resume.

Use ATS Testing Tools

Several online tools can help you test your resume's compatibility with an ATS, such as Jobscan and Resume Worded. These tools provide feedback on how well your resume aligns with job descriptions.

Take Feedback

Share your resume with mentors, colleagues, or professional resume writers. They can provide valuable and objective input on issues you might overlook.

Keep Updating Your Resume

Regularly update your resume with new skills, experiences, and achievements. An updated resume reflects your current level of competency and fitness for a new role.

Top-Scoring ATS Resumes

Sample ATS Resume

Downloadable templates designed to be ATS-friendly are available online. These templates feature clean, tested layouts and text details. Some recommended resources include:

  • Zety's Templates
  • Enhancv's Examples
  • LiveCareer ATS Resume Checker
  • Resume Genius's ATS-Friendly Template


To effectively elevate your resume and boost your ATS score, balance embedding relevant keywords, maintaining clarity in format, and creating personalized content. By understanding how an ATS works and applying the tactics in this article, you can significantly increase your chances of getting your resume shortlisted for that crucial interview. Remember, your resume is your first impression—make it count.